The 16-inch Apple MacBook Pro with M1 Max chipset is now getting a new mode dubbed ‘High Power Mode’ with the latest-gen macOS Monterey. First spotted by MacRumours, the feature is the opposite of “Low Power Mode,” which aims to decrease system performance to prolong battery life. Instead, the High Power Mode allows users to maximise performance during intensive, sustained workloads such as colour grading 8K ProRes video. The publication notes that High Power Mode can be enabled in System Preferences under Battery > Power Adapter > Energy Mode when connected to a power source or under Battery > Battery > Energy Mode when running on battery.
As mentioned, the new High Power Mode is only available on the 16-inch MacBook Pro 2021 with the M1 Max chip and is unavailable on other models such as the 14-inch MacBook 2021 and M1-powered MacBook Pro 13. Interestingly, Apple also chose to remain silent about the new mode during the announcement of macOS Monterey at WWDC earlier this year. While the advanced mode offering has previously been seen on Windows laptops, this will be the first such mode on MacBooks.
YouTuber Brian Tong further tested by exporting a 19-minute video in Adobe Premiere Pro version 15.4.1. The Youtuber was able to export the file 16 seconds faster with High Power Mode turned off, therefore; highlighting the feature does not bring significant changes. Tong even claimed the bottom of the MacBook Pro was noticeably hotter to the touch while he tested High Power Mode compared to normal usage. However, readers must note that laptops may face heating issues due to other factors as well.
The new MacBook Pro 2021 series has been introduced with fresh design additions that include a notch at the top of the display housing the upgraded 1080 webcam. Apple has gone for an all-black design for the keyboard and has chosen physical keys instead of a touch bar. HDMI Port, SD Card Slot and MagSafe for the magnetic power cable have also made a comeback on the new models.