Motorola has launched the much-awaited Moto Tab G20 in India. The Lenovo-owned company made a comeback to the Tablet market with the Moto Tab G20. The tablet has been exclusively launched on Flipkart ahead of the Big Billion Days. The tab has been launched with an interesting set of specifications like an 8-inch display, MediaTek Helio P22T processor and a 5100mAh battery.
Tablets have become an important tool ever since we have started living in a work from home era. Due to covid pandemic, people have been forced to work from home and study from home. In situations like this, it is important to have a dedicated device for hosting video meetings or for attending online classes. But the tablet market in India does not have too many options to choose from. There are Apple and Samsung tablets available but not everybody can afford them. In the budget category, there is only Lenovo that can be trusted. However, with the Moto Tab G20, the budget buyers will probably not have to look for any other options.
Moto Tab G20: Price and availability
Moto Tab G20 has been launched at an affordable price tag of Rs 10,999. The tablet will go on sale on Flipkart on October 2. It has been offered in a single grey color variant.
Moto Tab G20: Specifications
Motorola Moto Tab G20 comes with an 8-inch IPS LCD display with TDDI technology. The tablet is powered by MediaTek Hello P22T chipset coupled with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The Moto Tab G20 runs on Android 11 out of the box.
In the camera department, the Moto Tab G20 features a single camera lens on the rear which includes a 5-megapixel sensor. On the front, there is a 2-megapixel camera for selfies and video calls. The Moto Tab G20 comes with Dolby Atmos support which enhances the sound quality of the device. The tablet houses a 5100 battery and has a USB Type- C charging port.