The newly launched iPhone 13 is available with massive discounts ahead of Diwali. The iPhone 13 series was launched in September has already become a huge hit amongst buyers. The price of the smartphone is on the higher side but here is the deal from one of Apple’s authorised resellers that will help you buy the smartphone at a discounted rate. The Apple iPhone 13 was launched in India at Rs 79,900 for the base 128GB variant. Along with the iPhone 13, Apple had also unveiled the iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 Pro Max.
So if you have been planning to buy the iPhone 13 but have not been able to do so because of its expensive price tag, we will tell you how you can buy the smartphone at a discounted rate. Apple’s authorised reseller India iStore is offering crazy discounts on the iPhone 13. You can buy the smartphone at an effective price of Rs 55,900. The store is offering a discount of Rs. 6000 on HDFC bank cards and the offer is also applicable if you opt for the EMI. This brings down the price down to Rs 73,900.
Now if you have an old iPhone to trade in, the reseller will offer you a discount of almost 18,000. The site states that the price of the old iPhone XR 64GB will be upto Rs 18,000. This would also include. If you exchange your old phone, you will also get an exchange bonus of Rs 3000. So this further brings the price down to Rs 55,900. If you exchange your old iPhone 11 or higher models, you can bring the price down further.
As far as the specs are concerned, iPhone 13 is a powerful device to own. The smartphone features a 6.1 OLED panel with a resolution of 2532×1170 pixels and a pixel density of 460 PPI. The iPhone 13 is powered by A15 Bionic chipset which is based on 5nm manufacturing and has a 6-core CPU. Apple claims its new chipset is 50 per cent faster than the current competition. The Cupertino-giant has also improved the battery life of the iPhone 13. The device comes with an improved battery with 1.5 hrs of additional battery life than the iPhone 12.
In terms of camera, the iPhone 13 features a new 12-megapixel wide-angle with f/1.6 aperture, which is 47 per cent larger than the previous gen. Now, this should allow it to capture more light and get better low light results. There’s another 12-megapixel ultra-wide lens with a faster f/2.4 lens and 120-degree field of view.