Ahead of the OnePlus Nord CE 5G launch today in India, OnePlus has slashed the prices of the OnePlus 8T in India. The smartphone has received a price cut of Rs 4,000 on its launch price. OnePlus 8T was launched at a starting price of Rs 42,999 and now, it is selling at a starting price of Rs 38,999. The smartphone comes with a 120 Hz refresh rate display, Snapdragon 865 processor and 65 W Wrap charging.
OnePlus 8T 5G new pricing
The 8 GB RAM + 128 GB storage variant is now priced at Rs 38,999, down from Rs 42,999 and the 12 GB RAM + 256 GB storage variant will cost you Rs 41,999, down by Rs 4,000.
The new pricing is now reflecting on Amazon India and the OnePlus India website.
OnePlus 8T 5G specifications
The smartphone features a 6.55-inch display that offers a 120 Hz refresh rate. It sports a punch-hole display. OnePlus 8T 5G is powered by a Snapdragon 865 chipset and offers up to 12 GB RAM and up to 256 GB of internal storage. OnePlus 8T will come with Android 11-based Oxygen OS 11 out-of-the-box.
As for the camera, the rear quad camera setup placed in a rectangular module houses a 48 MP primary sensor, a 16 MP ultra-wide lens, a 5 MP macro lens and a 2 MP portrait sensor. For selfies, the OnePlus 8T will come with a 32 MP front camera. OnePlus 8T is equipped with a 4,500 mAh battery that supports 65W Warp Charge. OnePlus is collaborating with Snapchat and Bitmoji for integration of some animojis in the Oxygen OS. The company will allow developers to customise the ‘digital avatar’ in various apps.