Team India’s star pacer Mohammed Shami’s estranged wife Hasin Jahan is often in the news for sharing bold photos of herself with the fans. Hasin is very active on social media and shares some sizzling photos for more than 1,00,000 followers of hers on Instagram.
While many followers left heart emojis on the photo, as soon as it was shared online, many others started trolling and making lewd remarks about Hasin Jahan, all the while mentioning Mohammed Shami.
One user commented saying, “Shami bhai ka phone aata hai kya bhabhiji.”
For the unversed, Hasin has been living separately with her daughter for a long time due to her dispute with Mohammed Shami. The dispute between these two has been going on for a long time but the couple is yet to be divorced.
Meanwhile, the relationship between Team India’s star pacer Mohammed Shami and his wife Hasin Jahan is in turbulence for quite some time. Just a few years after their marriage, Shami’s wife had accused him of having relations with other women, among other serious allegations. It is important to note that no accusations have been proved to be true against Shami or his family so far.
Kolkata-based model Hasin Jahan and Mohammed Shami married on April 7, 2014, and they both also have a daughter.