Bollywood’s famous actress Kareena Kapoor Khan did not use Instagram at one time, but ever since she made her Insta debut, she remains very active. Kareena’s posts often go viral. In such a situation, once again Kareena has made a post. Along with Kareena, her younger son Jeh and elder son Taimur Ali Khan are also seen in this post.
Actually, Kareena has shared a collage of two photos on Instagram. In the picture, one photo of Kareena with little Taimur Ali Khan, while the other photo with younger son Jeh. However, Kareena has not shown Jeh’s face and has put an emoji on the face. In such a situation, the fans once again missed the sight of Jeh.
Kareena has written a heart touching caption with the picture. In the caption, Kareena wrote, ‘My strength, my pride, my world. My pregnancy book would not have been complete without my kids. I can’t wait for you to read my journey, my experiences and my lessons.’ Kareena has also used some emojis in her post.