India wicket-keeper Dinesh Karthik has revealed a interesting tale where he said that KKR owner and Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan once flew him from Chennai to Dubai on his private jet. Speaking on ’22 Yarns with Gaurav Kapoor’, he told this fantastic tale: “There are not many large-hearted people like him in the world right now. And the world needs more people like him. Very genuine, he looks out for you. Whatever happened in my personal life, he flew people over from Chennai to Dubai on a private jet at his own expense for me.”
Karthik is part of KKR franchise and was also the captain of the side till he stepped down midway. “I don’t know how many franchises would do something like that. But that for me was unbelievable, unreal. I didn’t expect it. I had never sat on a private jet in my life. But just the fact that he was able to do that for me and he just completely won my heart over. I could do anything for him, he’s a terrific human being.”
He also had street food in Trinidad with King Khan.”I had a Vada pav in the streets of Trinidad. He has a massive fan following in Trinidad. Even there, he had to wear a cap. Even though I had a bad memory, there are somethings you can never forget and the time I’ve spent with him it’s fabulous.”