Krishna Shroff, daughter of Bollywood veteran actor Jackie Shroff, has not yet debuted in Bollywood but her fan following is not working with any actress. Krishna is the only star kid who is a hit on social media without signing any film. She remains in the headlines due to her pictures, now she has created panic with a topless photoshoot.
This topless photo has been shared by Krishna Shroff himself on his Instagram wall. Talking about Krishna’s look in this photo, we can see that Krishna Shroff is looking topless. She is wearing black leather pants in this pose. In his hands he is wearing gloves till the elbow. In this topless photo of Krishna, her hair is open. She has carried a nude makeup look. Along with all this, all the tattoos and naval piercings made on Krishna’s body are also being flaunted very well.
If Krishna Shroff shares a picture, then the comments of many stars are always seen in it. Disha Patani is very close to the entire Shroff family. That’s why as soon as Krishna’s picture came out, his friend Disha wrote in the comment, ‘Wow, what a wonderful body.’ Along with this, Disha has also created a fire emoji.