Dilip Kumar was buried at Juhu Qabrastan in Mumbai. The actor breathed his last at Hinduja Hospital at 7:30 am today (July 7). His wife Saira Banu was by his side at his last moments. The legendary actor’s mortal remains were brought to his Mumbai home, where several Bollywood actors paid their last respects to him. Last month, Dilip Kumar was hospitalised twice due to breathing issues.
Dilip Kumar was laid to rest with full state honours in Mumbai today (July 7). The actor’s dead body was wrapped in the Tricolor as Mumbai Police officials accompanied the funeral procession from Dilip Kumar’s residence to Juhu Qabrastan. Saira Banu was also spotted.
Dilip Kumar breathed his last at Mumbai’s Hinduja Hospital today (July 7). He was hospitalised since June 30. Last month, Dilip Kumar was hospitalised twice due to breathing issues. After being diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion and getting the proper treatment done, he was discharged on June 11. However, he started facing similar breathing issues again later last month and was again hospitalised.