Lenovo has launched its latest Lenovo Tab 6 5G tablet in Japan. The device packs a 10.3-inch display and is powered by the Snapdragon 690 SoC. The tablet is said to be the first 5G-enabled Android tablet launched by the company in Japan, as per Lenovo.
The tablet comes with IPX3 and IP5X certifications for water and dust resistance, respectively. As of now, the company has not revealed the price of the Lenovo Tab 6 5G. The tablet will be available in Abyss Blue and Moon White colour options. The company has not confirmed if and when it plans to launch the tablet in India. Here is everything you should know about the Lenovo Tab 6 5G.
Lenovo Tab 6 5G: Specifications
The Lenovo Tab 6 5G measures 244x158x8.3mm and features a 10.3-inch (1,200×1,920 pixels) TFT display. The Lenovo Tab 6 5G is powered by the Snapdragon 690 5G SoC, along with 4GB of RAM.
It comes with 64GB of internal storage that can be expanded via a microSD card (up to 1TB). The tablet packs a 8MP rear camera and an 8MP selfie shooter as well. The tablet comes with a single Nano-SIM slot and runs Android 11.
The tablet comes with a ‘Kids Space’ feature which is said to have been designed for pre-schoolers. Additionally, the Lenovo Tab 6 5G features a ‘Learning mode’ for elementary school students that has a few apps and functions specifically designed to support learning.
The tablet also comes with a ‘PC mode’ feature that will allow users to view apps in a split screen mode and use simple application switching.
As far as connectivity is concerned, the Lenovo Tab 6 5G comes with support for 5G, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth v5.1, and a USB Type-C port. The device is backed by a 7,500mAh battery.