Trinamool Congress spokesperson Riju Datta has lodged a complaint against Kangana Ranaut for allegedly instigating communal disharmony. Riju Datta filed the complaint at Kolkata’s Ultadanga police station and accused Kangana of giving a hate speech.
Riju alleged that Kangana gave a hate speech on her social media account and tried to incite communal disharmony. Riju also accused the actress of uploading distorted pictures of the Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The Kolkata Police has registered a case against the actress under sections 153A, 504,505 IPC and 43 and 66 IT Act.
On May 3, a lawyer had also filed a complaint against Kangana via email. He had shared the links of Kangana’s three tweets and stated that the actress has “demeaned, insulted, hurt the sentiments of the people of Bengal.”
Following the FIR registered by the TMC spokesperson, Kangana accused West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee of ‘killing my voice’, and said, “You cannot scare me with many cases or FIRs.”
On May 4, Kangana Twitter account was permanently suspended after she posted tweets that violated the guidelines of the micro-blogging site. In a series of tweets, she had made objectionable comments on Mamata Banerjee.