Kerala has announced complete lockdown in the state from May 8 till May 16 over the rising Covid-19 cases in the state. Kerala on Wednesday recorded the highest single-day spike with over 41,000 fresh Covid cases.
In a tweet on Thursday, the Kerala CM’s Office said, “As directed by the CM, the entire State of Kerala will be under lockdown from 6am on 8 May to 16 May. This is in the background of a strong 2nd wave of COVID-19.”
The decision to impose a complete lockdown in Kerala was taken after reviewing the present Covid situation in the state.
The chief minister had also said that instructions will be given to strengthen the ward level committees and rapid response teams in the state by bringing in the medical students from the areas.
With the addition of over 41,000 fresh Covid-19 cases, Kerala’s caseload has gone up to 17,43,932, while 23,106 people were cured of the infection, pushing the recoveries to 13.62 lakh.
The chief minister has said as the number of Covid patients increases by the day, the need for oxygen has also increased.