Mahindra is going to launch its flagship SUV Mahindra XUV700 in India. This will be the successor model of the company’s Mahindra XUV500. Mahindra had released a teaser of the car on Friday. A new safety feature of the car has been mentioned through this YouTube video. This is a special feature, which prevents you from driving the car at high speed.
The special feature that Mahindra has mentioned is the personalized safety alert. Like all vehicles, it will also get speed warning, but Mahindra claims that the warning alert will be received in the voice of someone close to you. Apart from this, the company has already told that the car will be given the biggest sunroof of its segment. This simply means that the sunroof of the Mahindra XUV700 will be bigger than that of the Hyundai Alcazar and the Tata Safari.
In a teaser that came earlier, the company had mentioned the Auto Booster headlamps feature found in the SUV. The Auto Booster headlamps are a safety feature that will come in handy while driving at high speed at night. As soon as Mahindra XUV700 covers 80 kms in night time. per hour, this feature will automatically activate and boost the headlights of the car.