The much-awaited official teaser of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film Prithviraj was released on November 15. Directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi, the film also stars Sanjay Dutt, Ashutosh Rana, and Sonu Sood. Miss World 2017 Manushi Chillar will be making her Bollywood debut with the film. Akshay Kumar plays the role of King Prithviraj Chauhan, while Manushi will be seen in the role of his wife Sanyogita.
Talking about the teaser, Akshay said, “The teaser of Prithviraj captures the soul of the film, the essence of the life of the legendary warrior Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan who knew no fear. This is our tribute to his heroism and his life. The more I read about him, the more I was awed by how he lived and breathed every single second of his glorious life for his country and his values.”
Elaborating about his character, he went on to add, “He is a legend, he is one of the bravest warriors and he is one of the most upright kings that our country has ever seen. We hope that Indians worldwide love our salute to this mighty braveheart. We have tried to present his life story in the most authentic way possible and the film is a homage to his unmatched bravery and courage.”
Here’s the teaser:
The teaser has been in the headlines for the wrong reasons as people didn’t approve of the fact that a 54 years old Akshay is romancing 30 years younger Manushi. It is a very common sight to see older Bollywood actors romancing young actresses, who are almost half their age. It’s 2021, and it’s about time that this issue with Bollywood is also addressed.
People are not okay with this cast and have been slamming Akshay Kumar and the makers for carrying a stereotype forward.