Chief Minister (CM) Yogi Adityanath has said no new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in several districts of the state while the number had come down to a single digit in some other districts of Uttar Pradesh.
Barring Lucknow, the number of active Covid-19 cases was less than 300 each in the remaining 74 districts, he said.
The chief minister was reviewing the Covid-19 situation at a high-level meeting on Wednesday. He gave directions to Team-9 that has been constituted for Covid-19 management in the state.
He said 2,86,396 samples were tested for Covid-19 in the past 24 hours. So far, a total of 5,41,45,947 samples had been tested in the state while 16,74,999 people recovered from Covid-19.
He also said 310 new cases were reported across the state in the past 24 hours and 927 patients recovered from the Covid-19 infection during the same period. In all, there were 6496 active Covid-19 cases in the state at present and 3920 of these patients were undergoing treatment at home, he said.