Actor Kiara Advani faced trolling from a section of the internet for her picture for photographer Dabboo Ratnani’s 2021 calendar, which appeared to show her posing topless on a beach. Kiara had garnered a similar reaction the year before that when she seemingly posed topless behind a large leaf for Dabboo’s 2020 calendar.
In a recent interview with ETimes, celebrity photographer Daboo Ratnani addressed the matter and set the record straight. Speaking to the publication, Daboo Ratnani said: “Yes, I have read what’s being said online. But Kiara has not gone topless in my black-and-white picture that has emerged of late.”
In the photo, Kiara Advani poses on what appears to be the Juhu beach – the shooting location was JW Marriott in Mumbai’s Juhu. Sharing the story behind Kiara Advani’s 2021 calendar shot, Dabboo Ratnani clarified: “I tend to shoot in a particular way that leaves a lot to the imagination. I think too-much-sexy in your face gets vulgar. It is better to leave a certain intrigue.”
Kiara recently addressed this in Arbaaz Khan’s chat show ‘Pinch 2’. Arbaaz read a comment which said, “2020 mein bas yahi ek cheeze achi hui thi (This was the only good thing in 2020).” To which, Kiara reacted, “I will take that as a compliment.” Another comment said, “Kaash! Yeh pata bakri kha jati (I wish a goat would eat the leaf).” Disgusted with it Kiara said, “Eww”.
Kiara also said, “Mujhe khud pata nahi hai yeh kaha se kaha gaya (I don’t know how it escalated). It was Dabboo… He came up with this concept of leafy concept. It was very aesthetically shot.”
Kiara was last seen in Shershaah, which has emerged as the most-watched Indian film on Amazon Prime Video. The war drama, based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra, starred Sidharth Malhotra in the lead role.