Lucknow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday reviewed the Light House Projects (LHP) under the Global Housing Technology Challenge-India (GHTC-India), a programme that seeks to build over 1,000 houses in 12 months. He used drones to review the projects across the country including Lucknow.
The affordable housing programme seeks to build over 1,000 houses each six sites across six states in 12 months. PM Modi laid the foundation stone on January 1 and said the project is driven by modern technology and innovative processes.
Houses being built under it will take less time to build and will be resilient, affordable and comfortable, he had said, noting that modern construction practices from countries like France, Germany and Canada will be put into practice.
In Lucknow, Canadian technology is being used, in which plaster and paint will longer be required in constructions. Instead, the houses will be built using already prepared walls for a faster construction process.
A total of 1040 flats are proposed to be constructed at a cost of Rs 131 crores in Avadh Vihar Yojana measuring 415 sq ft area. As per Housing Board officials, construction cost of each LIG flat will be around Rs 12.59 lakhs, of that Rs 4 lakh will be given by Union government and Rs 1.39 lakh by State government as subsidy. While, rest of the amount is to be paid by the beneficiary that too in instalments.
Recently, the registration for the Light House Project being implemented in Awadh Vihar Yojna at Sultanpur Road were extended till July 15. The decision was taken in a meeting chaired by senior officials of the housing board.