Samsung will launch the Galaxy M52 5G in India today, just days after unveiling the smartphone in Poland. With the launch of the new 5G Galaxy-M smartphone, Samsung will bring 5G connectivity to another mid-budget offering to compete against Chinese brands, like Xiaomi, Realme, Oppo, and more. From the promotional poster, the India-specific Galaxy M52 5G looks similar to the one available in Poland.
In terms of specifications, the Poland-specific Galaxy M52 5G sports a 6.7-inch Super AMOLED+ display with 1,080x 2,400 pixels (Full-HD+ resolution), 120Hz refresh rate, and a hole-punch cutout for the single selfie camera. Under the hood, it carries the octa-core Snapdragon 778G processor paired with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage that is expandable up to 1TB via microSD card. The smartphone supports dual-SIM cards with a hybrid slot and runs on Android with One UI on top. As for optics, there are three lenses in the rectangular-shaped module. First, a primary 64-megapixel camera, followed by a 12-megapixel secondary sensor and lastly, a 5-megapixel macro shooter. At the front, there’s a 32-megapixel camera for selfies without auto-focus capabilities. Other notable features include Bluetooth v5.0, 5G, Wi-Fi, USB Type C, and NFC. The Samsung Galaxy M52 5G carries a 5,000mAh.
At the moment, its price remains unclear, but the phone could be priced above Rs 25,000 in India. Samsung already sells Galaxy M42 5G and Galaxy M32 5G at around Rs 25,000 price point. The new Galaxy M52 5G may come in three colour options: Black, Blue, and White. The phone will retail via Amazon and Samsung channels, company announced earlier.