Realme India and Europe CEO Madhav Sheth has revealed that the Snapdragon 888-powered Realme GT 5G smartphone will launch in India “just before Diwali” celebrations. The festival of light will take place on November 4 this year, and we can expect the phone to go on sale during the annual Diwali sale by several e-commerce brands – India’s biggest sale event of the year. The Realme GT debuted in China back in March 2021 and launched in the UK last week. Notable features of the device include Wi-Fi 6, a 120Hz display, and 65W fast charging support. Its price in China starts at CNY 2,799 (roughly Rs 32,100), while it carries a starting price tag of EUR 499 (approx Rs 44,300) in the UK for the base 8GB + 128GB storage variant. India pricing details remain unclear at the moment.
In terms of specifications, the Realme GT 5G sports a 6.43-inch Full-HD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and carries up to 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 256GB of 3.1 UFS internal storage. Its triple rear camera setup includes a 64-megapixel primary shooter (Sony IMX682), an 8-megapixel wide-angle camera, and a 2-megapixel macro lens. At the front, there’s a 16-megapixel shooter inside the hole-punch cutout for selfies and video calling. The phone is among the rare flagships that retains a 3.5mm headphone jack. It carries a 4,500mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging via the USB Type-C port.
The India-specific details were shared by the Realme India CEO during his latest Ask Madhav episode on YouTube. He also revealed that the company woud launch the ‘milky way’ colour variant of Realme X7 Max on June 24. He clarified fan queries that Realme “not using Snapdragon processors is a misconception” as the chipset is reserved for its “biggest smartphones.” Madhav also lauded the work done by MediaTek and said their 5G chipsets are “even better.” Lastly, Sheth spoke briefly about Dizo – its new sub-brand to help venture into the Smart Home, Smart Care, Accessories and Smart Entertainment categories. It appears the company will launch audio products under the Dizo brand.