Model and actor Sherlyn Chopra has been summoned by the property cell of Mumbai Police on Tuesday. This comes just a few days after Chopra announced on Twitter that she has given an official statement to the cyber cell in the ongoing investigation into Raj Kundra’s business dealings.
Appearing in a video posted on Twitter, Chopra said on July 22 that she was the first person to give a statement to the Maharashtra cyber cell and also to share information about Armsprime – a media company that develops apps for models.
“For the past few days, several journalists have been trying to contact me to know my opinion about this matter. Let me tell you that the first person to record a statement with the Maharashtra cyber cell was me. When I was summoned by the Maharashtra cyber cell, I didn’t go underground, or make statements like ‘my heart goes out to Shilpa Shetty and the kids’,” she said in Hindi.
She also urged mediapersons to get in touch with the Maharashtra Cyber Cell and get the required information. “You can also request them to share some excerpts from my statement,” she added.
Raj Kundra has been arrested in connection with a pornography racket case, which is under investigation by the Mumbai police.
On July 24, police found a mysterious cupboard “well concealed” in the wall of Raj Kundra’s Viaan Industries office following which fresh raids were conducted in connection with pornography case.
Upon searching, the police recovered the said cupboard and some boxes which are now in their custody.
The revelation came to the fore when the police was questioning some of the Viaan Industries’ employees in connection with the pornography production case. The raids were also conducted at JL Stream.
According to a source in crime branch, the recovered boxes contain files related to financial exchanges and mainly related to cryptocurrency.