TV’s famous singing reality show Indian Idol has been entertaining its fans for many decades. Countless best singers have emerged from this show so far. Season 14 of Indian Idol remains in news headlines these days. Along with the contestants of this show, the judges of the show always come under the target of trolls for one reason or the other. Recently, Judge Neha Kakkar’s sister Sonu Kakkar had arrived on the show as a guest. Sonu is a singer himself. At the same time, apart from the contestants on the show, Sonu also gave a great stage performance, but after the video of this performance surfaced, she appeared to be trolled badly on social media.
Actually, Sonu Kakkar had reached the place of Neha Kakkar in Indian Idol 14. In the show, she was also seen motivating all the contestants a lot. At the same time, when the contestants and judges requested her to sing a song on the stage, she could not stop herself from singing. After this she was seen singing ‘Mere Rashke Qamar’ on the stage. ‘Mere Rashke Qamar’ Original Song is sung by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. But when Sonu sang this song, many people did not like this song at all and she got targeted by the trolls.
After listening to Sonu Kakkar’s song, a user commented on the prono shared on Instagram and wrote, ‘Overacting ka paisa kato sabka’. Better than this, he would have played the original song. Another user commented, ‘Bhai kyun joke bana raha hai song ka.’ Another user wrote, ‘Acche se izzat robiti ki song. Nusrat sahib’s soul must be weeping, it must be suffering. At the same time, one wrote, ‘Better than this, Ranu Mandal sings.’