Tata Motors launched an all-new variant to its most popular small commercial vehicle, the Ace Gold Petrol CX. Available in two trims, the Tata Ace Gold Petrol CX flat-bed trim is available for Rs. 3.99 lakh, while the half-deck load body trim will cost Rs 4.10 lakh (ex-showroom, India). Additionally, Tata Motors partnered with the State Bank of India to offer EMI of Rs 7,500 and up to 90 per cent on-road finance. Tata says the new variant makes a great option for first-time commercial vehicle users, in both rural and urban areas.
Vinay Pathak, VP, Product Line SCV & PU, Tata Motors, said, “The launch of the new Ace Gold Petrol CX marks another milestone in the spectacular journey of the ‘Chota Haathi’. The Tata Ace continues to be a strong, reliable and multipurpose vehicle, having provided a means of livelihood to over 23 lakh Indians to date.”
The Tata Ace Gold Petrol CX truck is the only four-wheel small commercial vehicle in the country to be powered by a two-pot engine with a gross vehicle weight of more than 1.5 tonnes. It is powered by the same 694cc engine of the Ace Gold, mated to a 4-speed transmission. The Tata Ace Gold truck is ideal for last-mile delivery, which includes market logistics, distribution of fruits, vegetables, and Agri products, beverages & bottles, FMCG and FMCD goods, e-commerce, parcel & courier, furniture, packed LPG cylinders, dairy, pharma and food products, refrigerated transport, as well as waste management applications.
Like all other Tata Motors commercial vehicles, the latest Ace Gold Petrol CX will be backed by the Sampoorna Seva 2.0 initiative, offering various vehicle care and service promise programs, annual maintenance packages and resale opportunities.