Mahindra & Mahindra had launched the second-gen Thar in India on October 2, 2020, with the bookings for the SUV opening on the same day. The automobile manufacturer today announced that the Mahindra Thar bookings have crossed 55,000 mark since its introduction in the country.
Although the booking data reveals that demand for the second-gen Thar has been quite robust, its production has been adversely impacted due to the global semiconductor shortage.
“Thar has crossed bookings of 55,000 vehicles since its launch,” Mahindra & Mahindra said in an official statement.
Available in AX OPT and LX variants with convertible top and hard top options, the Mahindra Thar is priced between Rs 12,11,680 and Rs 14,16,682 (ex-showroom, Delhi). The SUV is equipped with features like classic round headlamps, front fog lamps, LED taillamps, 18-inch alloy wheels, drizzle-resistant 7-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, multi-function steering wheel, electrically-operated HVAC controls, roof-mounted speakers, TPMS and cruise control.
The second-gen Thar comes with a couple of engine options — 2.0-litre mStallion 150 turbocharged petrol (150bhp of maximum power and 320Nm of peak torque) and 2.2-litre mHawk 130 diesel (130bhp of maximum power and 300Nm of peak torque). Both the engines have 6-speed MT and 6-speed AT torque convertor options. A 4WD system is standard across the Thar range.