Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said the COVID-19 vaccination of judicial officers, staffers and their families is underway at Allahabad High Court and its Lucknow bench.
Addressing the media in Saifai, the Chief Minister said his government has started the vaccination of journalists and media personnel in Noida and Lucknow.
“The next step is to make separate centres for judicial officers and media personnel in all districts across the state,” said Adityanath.
The Chief Minister further informed that more than 1,62,00,000 people have been administered free COVID vaccine doses in the state.
He said the state is successfully moving forward in its fight against COVID-19.
“Experts had predicted that between April 25 and May 10, UP will report around 1 lakh cases per day and the situation will be out of control. We have successfully controlled the situation. We reported around 38,000 cases on April 26, the maximum to date. Today we reported around 6,000 cases,” he said.
The Chief Minister credited the control of the COVID-19 situation to the mass screening of suspected patients by the ‘surveillance committee’ and said his government has steadily increased the testing capacity, COVID beds and other facilities in the state.
He also informed about the community kitchen started in Etawah for providing two meals per day to every needy person.
“Patients in government hospitals or hospitals that are taken over by government are being given free treatment and food,” he added.