In a bid to flatten the COVID-19 transmission curve, the Uttar Pradesh government is reportedly planning to extend lockdown in the state till May 24. Earlier in the day, CM Yogi held a meeting with top officials to review COVID-19 situation in the state. Following this, several Hindi portals have reported that the Chief Minister may announce an extension of the ongoing ‘corona curfew’ by another week. However, an official announcement regarding the same is awaited.
The UP government had last week extended the lockdown till May 17. During this period, all essential services were allowed.
Earlier on Friday, Uttar Pradesh had recorded 15,747 fresh COVID-19 cases that took the infection count to 15,96,628, while 312 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 16,958. In the past 13 days, the number of active cases in the state has come down by over 1.17 lakh. On April 30, there were about 3.10 lakh active cases and the number currently stands at 1,93,815, said Additional Chief Secretary, Health, Amit Mohan Prasad.
As many as 1,57,257 patients are in home isolation. In the last 24 hours, 26,174 COVID-19 patients have recovered from the disease. So far, 13,85,855 patients have recovered in Uttar Pradesh and the recovery rate stands at 86.8 per cent.