In the wake of rising coronavirus cases, the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government on Sunday extended lockdown till May 17. “Partial ‘corona curfew’ imposed in Uttar Pradesh extended till May 17”, news agency ANI reported quoting ACS Information Navneet Sehgal.
The decision to extend lockdown comes a day after 298 people died from coronavirus and 26,847 fresh cases surfaced, pushing the state’s infection count to 14,80,315.
So far, the infection has claimed 15,170 lives in the state.
Of the 298 fresh deaths, Lucknow reported 38, followed by 23 in Kanpur, 18 in Jhansi, 12 in Meerut, and 11 each in Allahabad, Gautam Buddh Nagar and Ghazipur. Lucknow also reported the maximum 2,179 cases, followed by 1,653 in Meerut, 1,518 in Muzaffarnagar, 1,485 in Saharanpur and 1,188 in Gautam Buddh Nagar.
In the past 24 hours, 34,721 patients recovered from the disease, taking the number of cured people to 12,19,409. The count of active cases in the state stands at 2,45,736.