The soon-to-be-launched phone in India could do well after the Vivo V21e 5G price, features and other specs were leaked. Vivo is set to launch the smartphone in a virtual event on June 24 at 5 pm today. The live stream of the Vivo V21e 5G launch event will be exclusive to Instagram only. Influential people like Barkha Singh and Jannat Zubair will also be present at the launch event of this phone. Also, the Vivo V21e 5G India launch will last for a full 150 seconds, so there’s no point in streaming it anywhere else.
Since the Vivo V21e 5G is being launched on Instagram, there is no URL that we can embed in this news. You can turn on notification reminders by following the Vivo India Instagram handle, which will give you a reminder as soon as the event starts.
The Vivo V21e 5G will feature a 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen with Schott Xensation UP. The phone is powered by MediaTek Deimensity 700 5G SoC. The handset will launch with 8GB LPDDR4X RAM and 128GB storage. The Vivo V21e 5G will draw power from a 4,000mAh battery and support 44W fast charging, which can charge the battery up to 72 percent in just 30 minutes. Coming to the optics, we get a 64MP primary sensor and an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens. The 32MP sensor will handle selfies and video calls.