Meet Mumbai cop Amol Yashwant Kamble, who has become a social media sensation all thanks to his crazy viral dance videos. The 38-year-old Mumbai cop’s latest dance video, in which he can be seen grooving to the song Aaya Hai Raja from the film Appu, has been garnering a lot of love on social media. The video has over 231k views.
Amol Yashwant Kamble is posted at Naigaon police headquarters and he is winning hearts with his superb dancing skills. Kamble often shares videos of him dancing to popular Bollywood numbers on his Instagram handle which boasts of 24.8k followers. The latest video which has gone viral online was posted by the Mumbai cop last week.
“The dance was based on the theme of an on-duty policeman asking a two-wheeler rider to wear his mask properly, and later both of them show their dance moves,” news agency PTI quoted Kamble as saying.
Amol Yashwant Kamble is a resident of Mahim and has been performing since he was a child. “As a policeman, I have a responsibility to maintain law and order and to protect citizens first, but on my weekly offs, I dance with my children, my sister’s children and have fun,” he added.