Popular messaging app WhatsApp has started testing cashback for its UPI-based payment service last month. WhatsApp has now started rolling out this feature for Android beta users. With this offer, WhatsApp is giving competition to giants like PhonePe and Google Pay. Here is how to avail cashback and how many times you can get rewarded.
The WhatsApp beta app on Android has started displaying a banner at the top of the chat list with the message “Give cash, get Rs 51 back”. You can get five times guaranteed cashback up to Rs 51 by sending money to different contacts. WhatsApp has not set any amount limit for this cashback offer. It has been told that a cashback of Rs 51 will be transferred to your account immediately after making the payment.
There is a full guarantee of getting cash back, but you will be able to use it only five times. This feature is only available for beta users of Android. It is expected that soon it will be rolled out to all users.
This offer has been taken out to woo WhatsApp users. Google Pay also offered a cashback of up to Rs 1,000 via scratch card when it was first launched in India. This plan is still on with coupons for other services.
Notably, WhatsApp payments is a UPI based service subject to a separate WhatsApp India Payments Privacy Policy. The company commits that the UPI enabled payments are completely secure and in full compliance with India’s data localisation guidelines.
Users can send or receive money once they have added their bank accounts to WhatsApp. Users will have to accept the Payments Terms and Privacy Policy. You will have to grant permission to verify via SMS. Only banks supported by WhatsApp UPI will be listed. Select your bank to add from the list of bank accounts given.