Ahead of the May 15 deadline, WhatsApp announced that it would not delete accounts of users who do not accept the new privacy policy. But there is more to what meets the eye. Users might not lose their accounts for not accepting the privacy policy but might start losing some basic features until they accept it. WhatsApp has been in the eye of the storm ever since it had announced its new privacy policy.
WhatsApp while announcing its privacy policy had said that the users need to accept the new privacy policy to continue using the app. However, now the company has said that it will not delete the account of users if they don’t accept the policy but limit the functionality. This in its truest sense can be worse than losing the account.
If users do not accept the policy despite persistent reminders, the screen asking users to accept the policy, that occasionally pops up will appear permanently on your display whenever you open the messaging app. The only way to bypass the screen would be to accept the policy in order to access the chat list or send messages to your accounts.
“After a few weeks of limited functionality, you won’t be able to receive incoming calls or notifications and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to your phone. At that point, users will have to choose: either they accept the new terms, or they are in effect prevented from using WhatsApp at all,” the company told The Guardian in a statement.