HealthRegionalTop NewsUttar pradesh

Unending Efforts of Uttar Pradesh Government Resulting in Better Recovery Rate in the State, WHO also Lauds Government Efforts

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Lucknow: World Health Organization (WHO) has lauded Yogi Adityanath Government efforts  in  breaking the chain of Corona infection and keeping villages safe from Corona, a large testing campaign is currently being conducted in more than 97,000 revenue villages. This campaign of mass publicity should be conducted with full readiness. An antigen test of every symptomatic/suspected person should be done. Increase the number of RRT team.

The entire state is united in the fight against the global pandemic Corona. Public compliance and planned compliance with the policy of trace, test, and treat are yielding good results. As of April 30, there were 3,10,783 active Covid cases in the state, whereas today it has been reduced by more than 95,000 due to continuous efforts. At present, there are 2,16,057 active Covid cases in the state. The state’s recovery rate is continuously getting better. So far, over 13.13 lakh people have successfully won the battle with Corona.

In the last 24 hours, 20,463 new Covid cases have been confirmed in the state, while 29,358 people have recovered and have been discharged during the same period. This situation is satisfactory. New Covid cases are decreasing in the state, while the recovery rate is getting better.

Uttar Pradesh is the most testing state. In the last 24 hours, 2,33,705 sample tests were conducted, of which 1,10,000 tests were conducted only through RTPCR. So far, 4,34,04,184crore tests have been conducted in the state. Action should be taken expeditiously as per the mantra of ‘Test, Track Treat’.

Keeping in view the assessment of experts, special arrangements for the health protection of children need to be made in all districts. For this purpose, pediatric ICUs with a capacity of a minimum of 10-15 beds in all district hospitals and 25-30 beds in medical colleges should be prepared.

There should be a minimum 100-bed pediatric ICU at Divisional Headquarters. Necessary medical equipment, medicine, etc. should be made available. Physicians and other staff should be trained in this regard. This work should be done fast.

Monitoring committees are doing door-to-door visits in villages and screening people. These committees provide medical kits to home isolated patients and other people with suspected symptoms as required. This system of medical kit distribution should be constantly monitored. Provide the name and phone number of the monitoring committees to whom the medical kit is being provided, to the ICCC. ICCC should revise it.

Apart from this, a copy of this should be made available to the local public representatives through the District Magistrate so that MPs/MLAs can get medical kits and communicate with the people. This will also enable cross verification of the system. Every person with suspected symptoms must have an antigen test.

Ventilators and oxygen concentrators have been provided in all districts. ACS Health, Principal Secretary Medical Education should ensure that these devices are operational in each case. Contact the concerned districts and get their problems resolved in this regard. In addition, if the ventilator/oxygen concentrator is not reported to be functional, then the accountability of the DM/CMO concerned will be fixed.

Availability of all medicines considered as life-saving including Remdesivir is being ensured in the state. The Government of India has also increased the daily allocation of Remdesivir for Uttar Pradesh. In government Covid hospitals this injection is completely free. This is being made available to private hospitals by the DM/CMO as per requirement. All the District Magistrates and CMOs should ensure that whenever a patient is given this injection, there is a doctor present along with the nursing staff. Complete details of the demand, supply, and consumption of this life-saving medicine should be maintained.


Pranchal Srivastava