Due to Corona virus, 3000 junior doctors resigned simultaneously in MP for not fulfilling their demands on Thursday. The doctors of MP were on strike for the last few days keeping work away. On Thursday, the High Court, terming the strike as illegal, ordered the doctors to return to work. The MP government will take action against the doctors for not following the order of the court.
Junior doctors in Gwalior have resigned collectively for their demands. A junior doctor said, “On Thursday, all 3000 junior doctors in Madhya Pradesh have resigned collectively. This is our compulsion. We request our honorable that our demands be accepted.”
Junior doctors in MP were on strike for three days amid the havoc of Corona and Black fungus. About three thousand doctors had abstained from work due to their demands. The junior doctors are mainly demanding from the government to increase the honorarium and free treatment for them and their families if they get infected with the corona virus. State government warns junior doctors to take strict action if the strike continues