Bollywood divas often flaunt their bikini bods and carry it effortlessly like a boss. Several actors often share their bikini look on social media pages which go viral on the Internet in no time. On World Environment Day (June 5), Janhvi Kapoor had taken to her Instagram page and shared a photo wearing tangerine coloured tankini with an orange unbutton shirt over it. She posed amid the greenery while lying and enjoying the beauty of nature.
Janhvi captioned her post stating, “May we start to walk lightly on this earth the way that other creatures do. May we recognize that our environment is the one thing that we all share.”
Within three years, Janhvi has become one of the loved Gen-Next actors in Bollywood. Earlier during an interaction with Elle India, the actor was asked what about the industry attracted her.
To which she said, “I just wanted to experience what it feels like to be able to create something beautiful. It’s never been about the fun and the glamour because honestly, that is something that I’ve seen up close. My mom getting ready, going to events, being around the media… I was more interested in seeing these brilliant performances and feel a need to experience, and create something like that.”
About her plans, Janhvi told the magazine, “I think a lot of people look at me through this vulnerable, docile, sensitive and innocent girl lens (probably because of the films I’ve done). I want to challenge that. I get excited about doing things differently, and I like to see how far I can push myself.”