Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu in an interview has rubbished the rumor of working in Rajkumar Hirani’s next film opposite Shah Rukh Khan. Taapsee told in an interview that if something like this were happening then she herself would climb on her roof and speak. He said, ‘There is no shame that people should not know. So I will sign any such film or else I will shout very loudly and tell everyone, wherever you are in Mumbai, you will hear my voice.’
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu has denied reports that she has bagged Rajkumar Hirani’s next film opposite Shah Rukh Khan. Taapsee said in an interview, ‘If something like this is happening, isn’t it, I myself will speak on my roof. There is no shame that hi people should not know. So I will sign any such film or else I will shout very loudly and tell everyone, wherever you are in Mumbai, you will hear my voice.’
Taapsee’s next film ‘Haseen Dilruba’ is releasing on Netflix on July 2. It is a romantic thriller film directed by Vini Mathew. Apart from Taapsee, the film also stars Vikrant Massey and Harshvardhan Rane in lead roles. In the film, Taapsee plays a girl named Rani Kashyap who is accused of murdering her husband. Apart from this film, Taapsee has films like ‘Rashmi Rocket’, ‘Loop Lapeta’, ‘Dobaara’, ‘Shabash Mithu’ and ‘Jana Gun Man’.