Discussions of actress Nora Fatehi happen all over Bollywood. She often wins the hearts of fans with her bold style, but recently the fans were surprised to see Nora’s traditional outfit. She was spotted by the paparazzi in a Bengali style saree. Fans were watching the style of Bengali beauty turned Nora, but at the same time she had to come under the target of trolls on social media. Many people were seen trolling her about the way she carried the saree.
Nora Fatehi is in the news recently for the song ‘Coca Cola’ from the film ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’. Nora’s performance in this recently released song has impressed the fans a lot. Meanwhile, Nora was seen wearing a traditional Bengali sari adorned with jewellery. At the same time, he was caught on camera by the paparazzi. At the same time, in the video, Nora asks the paparazzi that everyone should tell which film her look is inspired by. Apparently everyone takes the name of the film ‘Devdas’. When Viral Bhayani shared this video of Nora, the fans were blown away by her traditional style. Watch video here.
Seeing Nora in this video, while many people remembered Madhuri Dixit on one hand, many people trolled her on the way she walked. One user wrote, ‘I am not going to walk away from Nora wearing full clothes’… At the same time, the other user even said seeing Nora – ‘Hey Nora is not even recognized’.